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Why my Pinks Turn Blue?

Pink Luster – Nancy Bergman

Why does it turn blue?

TEST FIRES - Examples are in Picture Below.

  1. German Pink - Brush and sponge – Nice color Fired 017

  2. German Pink - Brush and sponge – Nice color - Second coat - 017

  3. German Pink Brush –Too Slow - wait for 10 seconds – then brush again – When you take too long to apply the Luster, brush stokes start to show. Always work fast!

  4. German Pink - Dirty Brush – Fired 017 goes to purple or grey

  5. German Pink - Mother of Pearl and pink – wet on wet – When Pink is applied next to Mother of Pearl, it will not be the pretty pink you want. This example even went dull and the Mother of Pearl went Blue to Grey.

  6. Nancy’s Pink - Mother of Pearl and pink – wet on wet – When Pink is applied next to Mother of Pearl, it will not be the pretty pink you want. This example is better; however, the Mother of Pearl went Green. This luster is no longer available (SORRY), however some of you may have older lusters – at least 10 years old.

    1. Numbers 5 and 6 show what happens when Mother of Pearl is either added or applied on top of a fired Mother of Pearl. I have in the past been able to apply the pink over the Mother of Pearl and it comes out beautiful…not on either of these Lusters?

  7. Fired Mother of Pearl – German Pink on second fire – turned blue or Turquoise.

  8. Fired Mother of Pearl – Nancy’s Pink on second fire – turned blue or Turquoise. So, when some of you paint Luster on top of fired Mother of Pearl; you will get different results. Sometimes Blue?

  9. German Pink Hotter - Brush and sponge – Nice color Fired 015 – the pink gets lighter.

  10. USA Dark Pink – one coat – Fired 018 to 017 – It starts to go dull if fired any hotter.  The nice thing about this color is it will never thicken, and it is a nice Raspberry color on the first fire.

  11. Hotter - Fired at different temperatures - During each fire, the colors do change and become a lighter pink.

  12. Green – when fired Hot – Cone 015 – starts to turn Pink.

When test firing, I never added any more paint – except for #6, as I fired the Mother of Pearl first fire and second fire was the pink. Each of these chips would have a better paint finish if I added a second or third coat of Luster. However, that would mean I would have to fire the whole set again for the extra layer. So, this is one coat and is about the different applications.

To me, if your pink turns blue, it will happen when you do #3,4,5,6,7, and 8 when painting.

I added the Dark Pink as it did not change colors with any change of temperature - until 016, and then became dull.

I also, fire a green so you can see that if fired too hot - Cone 015 - it will start to turn pink.

I hope the visual of this test helps you to understand the sensitivities of Pink Luster.

Happy Painting! Nancy

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Hand Poured Christmas Ornaments


Yes, you can use this with lusters, golds, palladium, copper, and a slightly different method and it could be used with your



1. Choose your colors...1 light colored luster and one darker colored luster.

2. Paint the light color on the desired area and fire. 017

3. Paint onto the same area the darker color....let dry. Apply on top of the dried luster in a "herringbone" type pattern the Precious Metal Marblelizer. Dip brush into the Marblelizer lay the brush down to leave the liquid. Dip and apply...dip and apply until covered. The bigger ther size brush the bigger the crackle. Once the liquid has been laid down NEVER GO makes the crackle go smaller. Fire 017

4. When opening the kiln your piece should look fuzzy...never while off with your hand or a dry paper towel. IT WILL SCRATCH! Wipe with a damp paper towel. This will set the pattern. 


Last always start with a lighter luster as you can't go lighter if you use to much dark.


I hope this makes sense?


Have fun!


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